Bulk Editing: A Step-by-Step guide to edit multiple records simultaneously
Codeless ONE also gives users the option for editing records in bulk. This bulk editing however works on the Table view only. Using this option users can change the values of the desired property with the given value. The option works like the find and replace feature of any common application. The actual process is elaborated below.
Open the desired object in table view (since the bulk editing works only in this view).
Step 2: Select records for editing
Select desired records using relevant checkboxes. We can select all records in a table using the checkbox at the top.
Step 3: Invoke the bulk edit option
When we select the checkboxes, a button with a downward arrow appears at the top right side, above the table. Click that arrow button.
Select the Edit Multiple Records option.
Step 4: Set the new value for the relevant property
Select the desired field.
Set the new value for the property. This value would replace all the existing values of the selected property for the records that we selected in Step 2.
We can skip the next step if we just want to change 1 property. However, if we want to change values for multiple properties, then we have to click the + Property link.
Set the value of the other property and click the Save button.
All the values are updated as provided.
The changes become more evident if we compare the before and after images of the same table.