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Efficient Workspace Management : A Guide to Using General Settings

A Guide to Use General Settings

General Settings are an essential aspect of managing your workspace applications. They allow you to make crucial changes, such as editing an application’s name or deleting an application from your workspace.
This article will guide you through the steps to manage your General Settings effectively, ensuring that your workspace applications meet your needs.
To manage an application in your workspace, you must access its General Settings. These settings allow you to change the application’s name and delete it from your workspace.
Here’s how to access and use General Settings:
Click on the App Settings button located on the Top Banner.
Select the Application Settings option.
Click on the General Setting tab located under App Settings. On this page, you can see the application’s name, URL and a Delete App option.
If you need to change the application’s name, click on the Name text field, and enter a new name. Remember to click the Save button once you’re done to save your changes.
The system will automatically update the application’s name and URL accordingly.
If you need to delete the application from your workspace, click the Delete App button.
The system will ask you to confirm your action. Enter the application’s name in the text field displayed to proceed with the deletion and click the Delete button.
Please remember that if you delete an application, you will have 30 days to recover it. After that, it will be permanently deleted, and you’ll lose all the artifacts associated with the application, including its schema.