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Managing Property Templates in Your Application

Managing Property Templates in Your Application

Efficiently managing properties within your application is essential for streamlined operations and customization. Property templates play a crucial role in this process, allowing for the easy creation, modification, and reuse of property configurations across your application.
Here’s how you can leverage property templates within your app’s workspace settings.

Navigating to Workspace Settings

From your app’s home page, locate and click on the Workspace settings button.
This action reveals the Workspace Settings section.

Selecting the Property Template Tab

Within the Workspace Settings, find and select the property template tab. Here, you’re presented with options to create, edit, delete, and view existing property templates.

Creating a New Property Template

Initiating Template Creation

Click the “+ New Property Template” button to open the Create Property Template form.

Filling Out Template Details

In the form, specify the name, type, and description for the property you’re saving as a template.
Tip: Creating a property template is similar to manually adding a property to your object, but with the added benefit of reusability.

Finalizing the Template

Once all details are entered, click the create button to save your template.
Note: For adding multiple properties simultaneously, use the “Create and New” option.

Editing a Property Template

Selecting a Template for Editing

Choose the property template you intend to edit.
On the right, you’ll find a section dedicated to the selected template’s parameters, where you can make various adjustments based on the property type.
Purchase Order Number: Consider editing the Purchase Order Number property by updating its name, adding a description, and specifying a pattern.
Once changes are made, save them by clicking the save button.
If you need to undo any modifications before saving, use the “revert changes” option accessible through the ellipsis button.

Deleting a Property Template

Choosing a Template to Delete

To remove a template, select the desired property and click on the ellipsis (…) button, then choose the delete option.

Confirming Deletion

The system will prompt for confirmation before permanently deleting the property from the template list.
Confirming this deletion removes the template from the list and from any future property creation processes.
Property templates offer a powerful way to standardize property configurations across your application, saving time and ensuring consistency.
Whether creating new templates, editing existing ones, or removing those no longer needed, the process is designed to be intuitive and flexible, fitting seamlessly into your app’s workflow.
By mastering the management of property templates, you can significantly enhance your application’s customization capabilities and overall efficiency.