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Workflow Builder (Internal Workflow): An Introduction

Workflow Builder (Internal Workflow): An Introduction

The Workflow Builder feature (sometimes called Internal Workflow) is used for partial automation of the records and emails. Based on the criteria set in the workflow, predetermined actions can be configured, every time the relevant trigger occurs.

The Workflow Builder supports the following triggers:

    • Record is created
    • Record is updated
    • Record is deleted
    • A date has occurred
    • A record is linked to another record
    • A field is updated

The supported actions that can be automated include:

  • Notify user
  • Send an email
    • Email Templates
  • Create linked record
  • Updated Field [Source Entity selected in Trigger’s attribute]
  • Use current date/time to set value of

New workflow can be added using the + New Workflow button, while the existing one can be edited, deleted or cloned using the Ellipsis button.

Workitem options

Instead of deleting, a workflow can be temporarily inactivated using the toggle button.

Toggle button to inactivate the workflow

The workflow design elements are mostly auto-generated, with users having little control on them. Users can mostly edit the labels through relevant textboxes, not directly on the visual board. The size of the diagram can be increased/decreased using the + and  buttons. The reset button turns the size back to original.

+ and - buttons

When the workflow for the Created trigger has been created then another workflow for the same object would only show the Updated and Approaching option.

Remaining trigger types besides created trigger

After creating a workflow, it can be edited, deleted, or cloned.

Workflow options