Gantt Chart doesn’t have mapping for all relevant properties by default. One of the reasons is because each app in Codeless ONE has a unique model, with distinct objects and their properties. That’s why users need to map the remaining properties, using the following steps:
Enable the Inline Edit feature by first clicking the App Settings icon and then the On button.
Click the table/canvas edit icon (the edit icon at the bottom).
The Inline Edit window appears. The middle section of the window is the mapping section, where properties are mapped to relevant visual elements.
As we can see, three properties are already mapped.
The Start Property (visual element) is mapped to the Start Date property (from the App Model). Mapping this property would tell the Gantt Chart which property (in the App Model) determines, where the timeline would start on the canvas.
Similarly, the End Property is mapped to End Date.
Dependant Property is mapped to Project Name. This is the property that is used/shown when configuring dependence.
Now we have to map the remaining properties.
Click the WorkProperty control and select the desired numeric property for mapping.
Similarly map the Duration Property and Progress Property.
Enable the Task Bar View Settings as well (if desired).
Click the Update Page button.
The mapping is done and the visual queues become apparent.