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Dependency in Gantt Chart

Dependency in Gantt Chart

Dependency feature is used when a timeline, depends on another one to either start or finish first. Dependency can be configured either directly on the canvas or through the context menu.

If the user wants to create dependency directly on the canvas, they just need to connect the trailing and preceding dots of the concerned timelines, as shown below.

Creating Dependence thru Canvas

Configuring dependency through context menu

Right click on the relevant record/timeline (the timeline which is to become dependant on another one). In Our example the Project Design would only start when Project Planning is finished, so we would right click on Project Design.


Select Add Dependency & Resource option from the context menu.

Select Add Dependency & Resource option

Click the +Save button.

Click the +Save button

Select the dominant record/timeline (Project Planning in our case) from the Name control.

Select the dominant record/timeline

Select the desired type. Usually it is Finish-Start.

Select the desired type

Provide the Offset (if required) and then click the Save button.

Click Save button

The dependence is configured.

Dependence Configured

Since we selected Finish-Start dependence; it meant that Project Design would only start when Project Planning is finished. However, prior to dependence configuration, both timelines overlapped on 8th January. After we configured dependence, it automatically slid Project Planning a day further to start on 9th January.

Deleting Dependence

To remove dependence between two records/timelines, users can delete the dependence using the following steps:

Right-click on the depending record/timeline to invoke the context menu.

Right-click to Invoke the context menu

Select the Delete Dependency option and then the relevant dependency node.

Select Delete Dependency then relevant dependency node

The dependency is deleted.

Dependency ideleted