The Details View Page as the name suggests show all the details of a record in one place. This includes all its attributes, attachments, history, discussion and any related objects.
To access the Details View Page, the user has to click on the primary attribute of the relevant record. It can be accessed from any view (Table, Cards etc.).
The Details View Page is broadly divided into 4 sections.
Progress Bar
Attribute Details
The Header contains the object’s icon, label, Property value, Edit button, and Delete/Refresh button. These constitute the default header contents but almost all of these are configurable.
The Summary section shows some key attributes of the record. Users can add or remove the desired attributes from this section (if required).
The Progress Bar only shows if the selected record has a status attribute.
In the Attribute Details section, The Tabs section is displayed at the top.
The contents of the section mainly depend on which tab is selected now.
The Tabs section contains the following tabs:
Details Tab
Attachment Tab
History Tab
Discussion Tab
Tabs for the objects linked to the current object
By default, the Details tab is selected which shows the standard and the system attributes.
The Attachments Tab is used to attach files to a record.
The History Tab shows the complete data regarding modifications applied to the record.
The Discussion Tab is used to have a conversation record regarding the selected record.