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Calendar View UI

Calendar View UI

The layout of the Calendar View can be divided into header and body (Calendar section) in the most basic way.

Calendar Layout

The Header section has the most controls as elaborated in the following image.


Icon: Icon of the object. Users can change this icon through the App Model

Calendar Type: Used to select desired type of the calendar

Timeline: Toggles the timeline on or off

List Label: Shows whether all records are shown or a list is being shown. Also used to create new lists in the current object

Object: Shows the current object and the number of records in the Calendar

Show As: Used to select the desired view for the current object

New: Used to add a record

Lists: Invokes List Designer

Refresh: Refreshes the table

Charts: Invokes the Chart Designer or Chart Viewer

Export: Exports the table as an Excel worksheet

Settings: Used for basic configurations of the calendar

Using the Calendar Type control, users can select which type of calendar they want to see (and manage).

Calendar Type

The following images show each type of calendar, supported by CodelessONE.

Calendar Types

If the Timeline is toggled off, All time related information is concealed.

Timeline toggled off

Clicking on the Settings button, shows the following configurations:

  • First Day of Week
  • Work Week
  • Work Start Hour
  • Work End Hour
  • Time Format
  • Week Numbers
Calendar Settings

First Day of Week would be the one shown at the left most column in the calendar. Users can update it according to their work environment.

First Day of Week

Using the Work Week option, users can set how many, and which days comprise of the work week in the organization.

Work Week

The Work Start Hour and Work End Hour settings are quite obvious. Visually, CodelessONE differentiates between Working hours and off hours using different colors in the timeline.

Working Hours

The Time Format can be set as 12 hours or 24 hours.

Time Format

Week numbers can be displayed on the timeline (if desired).

Week numbers

The Today line only appears for the Day or Week views.

Today line

For month and year view, the current day is subtly highlighted.

Current Day in month and Year Calendar types

The Calendar Body section has the following controls.

Body section

Previous/Next Calendar Unit: Used to navigate to the desired calendar unit

Current Unit: Shows the label of the current unit

Today line: Highlights the current day

Records: Records of the object displayed as per their timeline

Today button: Bring the user to the current unit (in case the user had navigated to another unit)

If an activity spans a complete day or multiple days then it is shown at the top horizontally. If an activity ends/scheduled to end in few hours, then it is shown vertically under the relevant date.

Showing records

When a user double-clicks a record; it is opened in edit window.

Edit window

When a record is clicked (single-click) in the Calendar View, a flyover is displayed showing key attributes of the record.


Clicking the Record’s title in the flyover opens the record’s Detail Page.

Details Page invoked from flyover

Users can also edit/delete the record using relevant options from this flyover.

Edit and Delete options

Users can show/hide the heading of this label.

Show/hide flyover heading