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How to Disable and Enable a Portal in Your Application

How to disable and enable a portal in your application

Occasionally you might face the need to temporarily disable a portal, instead of deleting it altogether. The disable option is used when there is a need to enable it some time in the future. Bothe these options however, require that the user should have appropriate rights. Not every one can play around with the portals in the application. 

Disabling a portal

Start by clicking on the App Settings icon , and then selecting the Application Settings option from the dropdown.

Access Application Settings

Step 2: Go to the App Model

Click the App Model option in the left-hand menu.

Go to App Model

Step 3: Select the Portals Tab

Click on the Portals tab.

Click on the Portals tab

Step 4: Select the portal to disable

The page displays the list of available portals in the application. Click on the portal that you want to disable.

Select desired portal

Step 5: Disable the selected portal

Click the Disable Portal button.

Disable the portal

Step 6: Confirm your action

Disabling a portal might disrupt other users, who may be working on that portal. A warning message is shown stating this and warning us about the consequences of disabling a portal with active users. Click the Disable button to confirm.

Confirm disabling the portal

Step 7: Update the app

Although we have disabled the portal, however, this would only take effect, after the app is updated. To do it, click the Update App button.

Update the App

Step 8: Confirm app update

Similarly to Portal disable confirmation, you also need to confirm the updation of the app. Click on the Confirm button, on the warning message box.

Confirm App Updation

The selected portal is disabled

The selected portal is disabled. If we click on the Portal drop-down, the disabled portal does not show up in the list.

Portals list

Enabling a disabled Portal

A disabled Portal can be enabled anytime by a user with adequate rights to do so. Follow these steps to enable a Portal.

Step 1: Go to the Portals tab

Select the Portals Tab

Step 2: Select the disabled Portal

On the Portals page, all Application Portals are listed. Select the desired disabled Portal, that you want to enable.

Select the disabled Portal

Step 3: Click the Enable portal button.

Click the Enable portal button

Step 4: Update the app

Although we have enabled the desired portal, we need to update the app for the changes to take effect. This is done by clicking the Update App button.

Update the app

Step 5: Confirm app update

Confirm app update

The selected app is enabled and can be seen from the Portal dropdown at the top left of the screen.

Portal enabled